Aktuálna poloha ISS, International Space Station



Ground track



The orbit data is extracted from the following two-line orbital elements,

1 25544U 98067A 11142.17284722 .00024599 00000-0 16294-3 0 3956 2 25544 051.6496 294.2377 0003229 300.8015 045.5563 15.75372973716809 
Epoch (UTC): 04:08:54, Sunday, May 22, 2011
Eccentricity: 0.0003229
Inclination: 51.6496°
Perigee height: 341 km
Apogee height: 346 km
Right Ascension of ascending node: 294.2377°
Argument of perigee: 300.8015°
Revolutions per day: 15.75372973
Mean anomaly at epoch: 45.5563°
Orbit number at epoch: 71680

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